
At HITEN, sustainability means managing our business responsibly and sensitively and ensuring we include social, economic and environmental factors in the decisions we make to ensure long term business success. We believe it is our duty to our customers, investors and employees to foster an ethical, responsible and sustainable corporate philosophy. Our goal is to be one of the world's leading brands in corporate sustainability. Sustainability is part of our culture and integral to our business. We have made sustainability a key component of our strategy.

When You Practice Sustainability You improve performance to benefit people and organizations now and those to come, too. Sustainability starts with a switch. not just the changing of a light bulb, but a fundamental shi􀀤 in our stewardship of the earth's resources and how we regard our obligation to all life on the planet, now and for future generations. When a family, a school, small business or global corporation builds the ethic of sustainability into its culture, it creates a sense of solidarity, a feeling that all of us are working toward a common and noble goal. It infuses the vision of leaders and energizes productivity at every level.

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